Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Pattern interrupt; was on way to the gym and... A funny thing happened. I decided to do a chore before I went. There you go pattern interrupt. Got to the gym somebody was on the machine of my choice in area 1 of the gym, Pattern interrupt ; I want to work out at certain pace and attack the 1400 calorie burn in one hour barrier. Pattern interrupt; Made my oatmeal perfect today, added some incredibly fresh delicious peaches with blueberries and cinnamon. Aw, I was so psyched to eat it. Ran extra water in the oatmeal. Pattern interrupt;

But you know when you start the day with a PATTERN INTERRUPT it makes it easier to embrace any others that come your way during the course of the day.

Sold out today ! As fate would have it wound up in the hotbox. Burned 1251 in an hour. Earned every second of it. Felt great during and after the workout.

What is your motto? It don't get too tough for me! 71 days left to quad city!

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