Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Day 1089 Never a dull moment

When you constantly throw challenges in front of yourself that get you excited how can there ever be a dull moment? I challenged myself to burn x number of calories today. Yesterday, my challenge was extremely daunting and I fell dramatically short. However, the concept of the challenge is the origin of the excitement.I think any challenge is worth an even portion of excitement.

Should excitement to present then enthusiasm is not far behind. I know when I work out I do it with enthusiasm the challenges are really just the icing in the cake. The core of my workouts is my love of the process.

Since I was young and I learned about playing anything I always loved the process of the competition. A good analogy would be on your mark, get set, go! That just get me excited.
My focus is always a favorable outcome.

As I said yesterday we need to burn 1400++ calories per hour.I started off by burning 706 in the first half hour. When I hit the 45 minute mark I need to burn 348 calories. When I reached 55 minutes with 119 to go. My target was 1400 and I had to average 23.33 per minute. My pace was 23.29 per minute. I needed to increase my pace in order to hit the goal.

Here is where the fun is incalculable. Here is where my discussing and commenting should and usually will fall upon deaf ears. to most. Except, for the few that love it. The ones that want victory so bad that they are eaten up by it. Here is where I usually don't care what happens unless I hit my goal.

Hitting that goal is so sweet, burning 1401 calories today was so awesome I am out of words.

Now we set our sights on TEN NINETY! Along with that a burn of 1402++ per hour.
I psyched here it comes....

Monday, February 14, 2011

Up to day 205

The daily question everyday I will send u one question. Don't Feel u have to answer it. Just let me know u got it. If u feel like answering it go ahead.

d1Within the last week or month to your knowledge, have you lifted up the spirits of some one who was down?
d2When you are with people you are not really familiar with are you a thermometer or a thermostat?
d3When you are challenged to do something that is difficult to do, do you usually try to find a way to have fun while doing it?
d4When was the last time you sent or gave a thank you note or card to someone?
d5Looking at the 4 squares your physical,mental social and spiritual well being, then grading them from 1 to 10 with 10 being the highest. Would you score 30 or better?And of your scores, which would be your highest? Spiritual, mental, physical or social?
d6What is your leaking oil well? What natural resource do you have that is ruining your future because of careless use?
d7Do you plan for unexpected events?
d8How many times in the last week have you complimented someone? And vice versa?
d9When you set a goal do you decide On "the price you will pay" to accomplish the goal?
d10Over the last year, what do you feel about you has changed the most?
d11What is the nicest thing you can do for some one today?

d12 "I lose all track of time when I am doing" what? What causes you to lose all track of time?
d13 I once asked you this.However, I seem to remember you getting upset at the question. So, since a good amount of time has passed, I will ask it AGAIN.
Do you consider yourself a leader? If so, why? If not, why not? You can tell me or just tell yourself. Either way it is definitely a question worth asking- some one who is about to go overseas.
d14What did napoleon mean when he said give me enough ribbon and I will
conquer the world?
d15What part of the journey does a rocket ship burn the most fuel? Is it the beginning, middle or end?
d16Do believe that people don't care how much you know until they know how much you care?
d17 Do you believe that, the more we know about ourselves, the easier it is to understand other people?
d18 If you HAD to choose one hero who would it be ? Lady Gaga, Mother Teresa , Michele Obama or Billy Jean King?
d 19 At what age did you STOP going after things you really had your heart set on?
d20 What part of your life do you practice constant and never ending improvement?
d21 Macro Micro; if the majority of the world conducted themselves as I do on a day to day basis, the world would be: A: a better place B: about the same C: a worse place.?
Pick one .
d22Do you believe that it takes 21 days to form a habit? Question, what habits have you formed in the last 21 days?
d23Do you believe that most people, Not all, work to the level of their natural talent then quit. Where they do very little to try to improve?
d24Do you believe that if you look at a person for what they are now they will always stay the same or get worse. But, if you look at a person for what they could be, they become what they should be?
d25A perfect punishment for me would be to make me do ___?
d26Do you feel that even though a person does not know HOW to do something, they will figure out a way to DO IT. If ... They want to DO IT badly enough?
d27A self made millionaire once said" don't wish things were better, wish you were better." Do you agree or disagree? Why?
d28Have you ever imagined yourself as being someone else? How long did you entertain that thought?
d29We are not responsible for having a negative thought. But we are responsible for how long we entertain that thought. Agree or disagree?
d30Do you believe One decision can change a bad habit?
D31=D56When was the last time you asked yourself how did I ever get so lucky?
d32How much of a role do you think a person's environment plays in determining a person's attitude?
a - 100 % b - 75 % c- 50 % d- 25 % e- none at all?
d33I hope these questions
In some small way remind you that you are a good person. All the questions are in intended to help you understand that your positive outlook is the key to your awesome future.
d33As I look back on life to this point, the thing that amazes me is?

d34Do you believe that fatigue makes cowards out of us all?
d35 God gave us 2 eyes 2 ears and 1 mouth. Why? So we can listen twice as much as we talk.Do you listen twice as much as you talk?
d36Let say the world has three kinds of people those that make things happen, those that watch things happen and those that wonder what is happening.
In that scenario, which one are you---usually?

d37With in the last year how have you changed mentally physically socially and spiritually?d32How much of a role do you think a person's environment plays their attitude? a 100% b 75% c 50 % d 25 % e none at all.
d38 I feel totally incompetent whenever I attempt to do? I feel totally competent whenever I attempt to do?
d39Are you always looking for a way to motivate yourself to do your best?
d40What things do you do to increase your want to?
d41Is it true that who we are speaks so loudly that people cannot hear a word we are saying?

D41Pretend someone offered you an all expenses paid trip around the world with one stipulation you have to bring six non family members with you and one of the people you would bring is a person who if they offered the same opportunity they would NOT bring you. Question what 5 people would you invite? Who would that sixth person be?

DAY42 life is ALL about?
d43Do you believe that there are two types of stress? One is a negative stress that can bring us down. The other is a stress that motivates whenever we are working hard to achieve a certain goal?
DAY 44-A side from all your purchased possessions, what are you most thankful for?
day45What percent do you think environment plays in the attitude of an individual? 25,50, 75, or 100?
d46 Do believe that most people want to be SOMEBODY? That most people want to feel they are liked and appreciated. That someday people will say wow that person stood for something?
d47When was the last time some one gave you honest feedback? When was the last time you gave some one honest feedback?

d101So far in your young life, what has been your turning point?
d99Do you believe that a a temporary inconvenience is worth a permanent result?
d129Do you spend the majority of your time with positive upbeat people?

day 157When was the last time you worked on your want to?

day 159Have you ever asked yourself these questions; who do I spend most of my time around? What have they got me thinking? What do they have me doing? Is it okay?

Example, its 6 hours earlier right now in Hawaii. And now it is 13 hours
ahead of the EST in Japan. I suppose the mentality is would rather know that people you have already experienced the day or have yet to experience the day.

d55When I think of my future I think of happy thoughts because my confidence level for my future is at: A= a level of 10 which is the highest B= a level 7 in which I am very confident C= a level 5 where I am confident D = a level 3 where I am not really confident and not so happy E = a level where I have a very small amount of confidence and I am sad?

d51What one thing would you do if you had no fear?
d48 In your opinion, what are the only two things you can truly control?
day 154 From the book by Viktor Frankel:"The meaning of life" What is your meaning of life?
d49Which MOTTO fits you best?
1) it does not get too tough for me.
2) I know I can try harder.
3) I wish things were easier.
4) Why is it always me?
5) Maybe I will try harder tomorrow.
d50 Do you agree that the easiest way to influence someone to change is by showing them their past, then there present and then their future?
Good example, "A Christmas Carol" by Charles Dickens
d52When was the last time you looked at the coming day and saw a clear, concise mental picture of the day being an overwhelming success?
d53 Do you believe in tough love?
d54 when was the last time some one gave you honest feedback and said you were lazy?
d57When was the last time you wanted something that you could easily have had but denied yourself?
d58who is your mentor?
Day 156 Do you believe that the enemy can not win but that you can still lose?
d59When you look at a problem (challenge) what angle to you look at it from?
a) top down
b) looking up
c) eye level
d) the side
d115Do you agree when we buy some thing or not by buy something it usually comes down to three elements of thought,
ERBN,LRBN or DRAB? ERBN=Emotional reasons to buy now.LRBN=Logical reasons to buy now.DRAB= Dominating reasons to avoid buying.?
d93 What one word gets you going?
d60 do you work hard?
d61 do you live right?
d62What percentage of the working class to you think works hard and lives right?
10 % 30 % 50 % 70% 100%? Pick one :)
d65When most people are with familiar people they tend to do what with their behavior? Expand it or contract it?
d63Have you found something you can believe in?

day64 What percentage of the working class to you think works hard, lives right and has found something they believe in?know you can say all 4 but just pick one- it should be fun!
10% ,30%, 50%.75% or 100% pick one.
day 65 Do you keep a journal?
day 66 What is more enjoyable to you; planning a vacation, traveling to the vacation or being on the vacation.Pick one.
day 67 when it comes to people I know that are having a birthday I like to wish them a happy birthday and go party with them,bake them a cake, take them some where fun to eat or just spend time with them on their birthday? Pick one- I know you can say all 4 but just pick one- it should be fun!
d68When some one looks at you, do they say wow, that person looks like .
.the haven't missed a meal lately
has been working out on a regular basis
has a hard time laughing
likes to laugh
Which one fits you best?
d69While discipline weighs one ounce, regret weighs?
d70 I believe America is so full of so many over weight people that, if you went door to door with a large plain domino's pizza that was hot. You would not have to knock on more than 20 doors at dinner time to get someone to take the pizza and eat it as their meal, or even buy it for 10 dollars. Do you agree or disagree?
d71 Who is the most caring person you know?
d72 Here is a quality question. If your life was rated as the level of a thoroughbred race horse, would you enter yourself in the Kentucky Derby? And would you bet on that horse? I am not sure I would go that far. But that is certainly an interesting way to look at life.
d73Personal development means I will get better for us. Agree or disagree?
d74Most of the time which do you prefer? To feel good? To look good? To do good? Pick one!
d75 what is the difference between a reason and an excuse?
d76 One a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being the highest, what is your usual feeling of well being when you start your day?
d77 What relaxes you most: a good movie/or book, a good workout, alcohol, a talk with a close friend?
d78Who is the most persuasive person you know?
d79Who is the most ambitious person you know?
d80What advertisement that you have seen or heard has had the biggest impact on your life?
d81When life gives you lemons what do you usually do a,b,c, or d?
a. take the sourness of the lemons and add sugar to sweeten the flavors. thus creating an awesome refreshing drink of life.
b. take the lemon and cut it to put in the alcoholic beverage of you choice and relieve the pain of getting stuck with the lemons for awhile.
c. cut open the lemons and and spill the juice on one of your open cuts on your body.
d just get depressed and say why me? why did I get these lemons.
d82Do you believe that most people listen to the same radio station called WIFM? Which stands for what's in it for me?
d84Based on where your life is right now, if you had a business card printed what title would you give yourself?
d83Do you believe there is anyone that loves you more than you love yourself?
d84Can you name five things you do on a daily basis that is not monetarily driven?
d85Analogies sometimes simplify life. Up to this point my life has been like?
d86I like myself best when I am with?
d87What one thing in your life right now are you a model of consistency in?
d88Do you think you have good people skills?
d90If God gave a party and invited all living creatures and each had to bring one thing to the party what.. would you bring to that party?
d92 I love the smell of ____ in the morning it reminds me of ___?
d94Today I am going to get rid of all my bad habits. The first bad habit I will get rid of is what?
d89If you knew when you were going to die, how much more would you get done?
d95What one thing do you pay MOST attention to on a daily basis?
d96Should everything in your life end what ONE thing have you done that you could say at least I got to do that? or this?
d91Who is the most enthusiastic person you know?
d98 What is your preoccupation?
d105Do you remember one time when you helped a person out a great deal and they never knew it was you who had helped them?
106 How do you define entitlement?
d97The most beneficial result of accomplishing a goal is not in attaining the goal, but what you become as a result of its accomplishment..Agree or disagree?
d100When you first got to know me, what did you think of me?
Bonus question: Did you get the 100 dollars I sent you?
d107Do you believe that when we go for our independence we lose some of our security?
d102What is the most empowering question you can ask yourself?
d103Other than sleeping and eating what one thing do you have a laser like focus on every day?
d104 In your opinion, in an effort to achieve happiness, health and wealth what are the three most important abilities a person should have in order to succeed?
d109When I spend time with ____ I feel better about myself?
d108Do you believe that there are two things that really determine your attitude: 1. what you think about. 2. how you feel about, what you think about?
d111Do you believe in the law of large numbers?
d110This is a question that every one can probably relate to; when you are away from where you normally stay what one thing do you miss most and when you leave what one thing will you miss most?
d112 Are you dressed, fed and ready to play everyday?
d113Do you believe that how and what you think plays a huge factor in what you actually do?
d114 When was the last time you put your whole heart and soul into something?
d116Would you rather have your own success or the feeling of satisfaction that you were a big reason why some one else succeeded?
And how long did it take you to answer that question?
less than 15 seconds?
more than 15 seconds?
more than a minute?
you are still thinking?

d117If you were gave your self ten things to do today and you were paid 100 dollars if you completed all of them would you do them?
d118 If you gave yourself ten things to do and you were paid 1,000 dollars if you completed all of them by noon would you do them?
d119 If you were gave your self ten things to do and you were paid 10,000 dollars if you completed all of them by 9 am would you do them?
d1120If you knew for sure, that you would not be seeing anyone for three days, would you still keep up your current way that you groom yourself?
d121Well, here is another one. If you had to write out a list of 20 things you wanted to do on a day and chose just 10 to do for that day would you do them under these conditions you were paid 2,000 dollars for completing or had to pay 200 dollars for not completing any one of the 10 things you did not complete?
I suppose the question is do you have enough confidence in your self to complete what you want to do in a given day? After all, what you are really saying is my odds of doing what I say I will do are 1 in 10. Which is really pretty low.
d122When it comes to getting things done that may be resisted by the other party, which would you rather do, ask for permission or beg for forgiveness?
d123 Which is the more positive question? Why aren't things easier? Why am I not better at what I do?
124Do you have a mission statement?
day127 In the last 5 days what accomplishments are you most proud of ?
d125What is the one thing, that you can control, that if you got better at, would dramatically change your life ?
d126What time of the day are you at your best?
d128After all the time you spend thinking about the future, what thought about your future, excites you most?
d131Do you believe that thoughts are things?
d130 I love famous speeches, they are awesome-. Which one do you prefer most?
I have a dream -Martin Luther king
Win this one for the Gipper-Knute Rockne
Gettysburg Address- Abraham Lincoln
Day of infamy -Franklin Delano Roosevelt
d132We spend so much of our time processing negative thoughts, so what was the most positive thought you had yesterday? Also, did you act on it?
d133How about this philosophy? We are not responsible for allowing a negative thought to enter or mind . However, we are responsible for how long we entertain it. Do you agree or disagree?
d134Are you part of a cause? Is your cause bigger than yourself?
d135If you were given 5000 dollars free and clear what would you do with it?
d136Should you be given an opportunity to change two things right now in your life, which two things would you choose?
d137The person in my life right now that offers me the greatest opportunity to support my cause is?
d140The biggest dreamer I know is?
d143The person I admire most has this in common with me?
special to a traveler
When you return home what do you think will be you most overwhelming emotion?
Wow, I am home
I cannot believe I did that
That was an incredible experience
Merry Christmas to everyone
Pick one
d139Isn't it ironic? We wish everyone good health and happiness then we offer them foods that are not healthy. We give the hope of a happiness in their future but yet are actions of offering them good cheer and holiday food do just the opposite? Agree or Disagree?
d138Are you coachable?

d141Do you believe that the more you have put into doing something the tougher the decision it is to stop doing it?
d142What one word would describe your desire to achieve a goal you want achieve?
d146 I have come to the conclusion that most people if given a choice will take the path of least resistance.What is your opinion?
d144Can you see yourself ever doing anything that takes at least one hour to do for 1000 consecutive days?
d145Do you feel that you have mental toughness?
D148If your best friend contacted you at 2 am and simply said, "I have to see you at such and such a place right now." Would you go see that person? Also, would you go without asking any questions?
d147The best meaning of enthusiasm I ever heard was staying excited until you reach your goal.What is the best meaning of enthusiasm you ever heard?
d149How is your BAG-Blessings, attitude and goals. When you look inside your BAG are you happy?
d150When was the last time you were guility of lowering your standards?
d151When was the last you raised your standards?
day 152Will life really give us what we are willing to settle for?
d153If your life was composed of a four spoked wheel composed of physical,mental, social and spiritual ratings. How balanced would that wheel be?
d161Of your five closest friends are you the most optimistic?

If you were asked what do you want the most and are willing to work extremely hard for you're answer would be__________.?
And if I said how often do you want to be asked if you got what you were willing to work extremely hard for you would say; Ask me once a year, once a month, once a week or once a day---Pick one!
Of of all your closest friends, are you the most optimistic?
d155When did you first realize that you were a very positive person?
158What is your paradigm of the world is a friendly place? treacherous? scary? the greatest place ever? Pick one based on how you feel right now!
day 159Let us pretend that you made a statement proclaiming that you will accomplish X within one month from now. If this was the situation, how often would you be willing to be asked if you had completed your proclaimation? Once a week? once a day? once an hour? None. When I am done, I will tell you.
d160 Do you believe that a person can change his or her life by asking
one powerful question?
d162Do you agree that our actions a driven by three dominant forces -our ego, our body and our soul?
I have absolute tunnel vision when comes to ?
d163Do you believe that ""society" doesn't care if you have a heart attack and die?
D164What is your definition of enthusiasm?
It is true experience is usually the best teacher.....But, is the price usually too high?
d165What is the most important thing you have learned in the last year?MONTH? WEEK? DAY?
d166What was the worst thing that ever happened to you but now, you can laugh about it?

d167Do you believe that a goal is a dream with a deadline?
d168Have you ever sat back once and said can I think of 5 reasons why I like that person? Try it today and see if you can do it with anyone.
d169One word that describes your level of motivation?
d170Who is the most uplifting person you spend at least one hour of your week with?
d171When it comes to your hopes and dreams how many people do you really confide in?
d172Do you agree that all we can really offer any employer is two things; what we know and our time?
d173When was the last time you were so happy that instead of talking you had to sing?
d174Of all the laws legal and other types do you believe that you do not break the law but the law breaks you?
d175How committed are you to getting healthy and staying healthy? What is your plan?
D176 you are only 1good day from a great week. True or false?
d177 IF, you had a breakfast of ham and eggs which of the two the chicken or the pig was more committed to that breakfast?
d178Have you ever shared your schedule for the day with someone and ever heard, how are you going to do all that, today?
Day 179 What is the bravest thing do you feel you can do today? Oh yeah, will you do it?
d180 Do you believe that some people can motivate you for a little while but, the ability to motivate for the longest time has to come from you?
d181When was the last time you noticed that someone needed to be cheered up? Were you able to cheer that person up?
d182What one thing can you do today, that you would consider to be great?
d183 For as long as I have known you, you have had the nicest way to greet people do you still have it, and do you still use it?
d184When it comes to achieving your goals,what one thing is your biggest distraction?
d185If you decided to show your appreciation for all your blessings by giving up one thing, what would it be?

d186What is your bete noire? Hint: It does not have to be a person.
d187Should you find yourself totally perplexed as to what to do regarding anything what would you do first ?

d188How has the SNOW effected your ability to reach the goals you have set for yourself this month?
d189Here is a quick story to ponder. A man is asked to do a tough job. He must find out a way to boil a frog.First, he places the frog in a pot of cold water then before he knows it the frog jumps out. Now, the man was given this job and promised a good sum of money to complete it. So as the man thinks about his challenge he starts to formulate the idea of why is this frog not staying in the pot? He realizes the reason is the water is not comfortable. Perhaps if the water was more to the frogs liking temperature wise he would be able to get the frog to stay in the pot.

So with a flash of brilliance he puts the frog in a pot of comfortable lukewarm water. Then, guess what? The frog stays in the pot. Now, with frog in the pot he decides to turn up the heat. However, he does not turn it up high right away he gradually turns it up and before he and the frog know it the frog is boiled.

I know that is kind of a tough story but, there is a lesson and a question in it. What activity have you engaged in that has a habitual repetition that if you do not get out of the "pot" you will be boiled in it. Just like the unsuspecting frog?
d190If you met someone and discovered they were EXACTLY like you in character,attitude and how they treated people would like that person (a) more than other people (b) less than other people or (c) about the same as other people?.
d191We meet many people in our lives some remember some we keep as friends some we are sorry we met.However, of all the people you have met in the last year which one has had the biggest impact on your life?

d192It always amazes me how people do on their goals, how did you do on the goals that you set for your self in January 2011? Did you eat more good food than bad? Did you exercise as much as you wanted? Did you work as hard as you wanted? Did you learn as much as you wanted? Did you make any new friends? I know a lot to chew on but hey its all healthy food for thought;)

d193Who yesterday, made you feel the best you did all day?
d194In life we do so many things. Up to this point, if someone was to give
you a trophy for one thing you have done, what would like the trophy to be for?
d195 How much money would you need to shovel snow off a roof? Name your price?
d196Their was a basketball coach and his name was Jim Valvano and he died of cancer. But before he died at age 47 he gave a very moving speech two months before he passed away. In that speech he urged people to do three things everyday in order to live a happy and successful life. I have thought about those three things often and I try to do them daily. The three things he suggested were to laugh, to think and to have your emotions moved to tears, it could be happiness or joy. . He said if you could do those three things in one day that is a full day.When was the last time you laughed, took time to think and cried all in the same day?

d197 Someday I'll...? fill in the blank.Denis Waitely a famous motivativational speaker talks about the magical place called Someday Isle. He says we all have that reference that someday I"LL. Which is short for someday I will....So who is on your Someday Isle?

day 198 Daily questions for highly determined individuals
Your spending to much time doing what? And not enough time doing what?

Day 199 Daily questions for highly determined individuals
It is amazing there are so many things we use everyday to make our lives run more smoothly.Here is a question of all the things that have been created and invented what one thing do you wish you had invented or created?

Day 200 Daily questions for highly determined individuals
Do you know anyone who seems to arrive at success effortlessly? How do
you feel about the fact that success almost comes easy for them? Do
you feel more joy for them than envy?

day 201
The most stressful thing I do everyday is?
d 202 I spoke to my mentor, and my mentor said??
Day 203 Happiness is .....? I'm so happy today because....?

d204 Have you ever noticed that if you do not feed a negative attitude it tends to go away?
d205How close are you from having an awesome day?