Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Pattern interrupt; was on way to the gym and... A funny thing happened. I decided to do a chore before I went. There you go pattern interrupt. Got to the gym somebody was on the machine of my choice in area 1 of the gym, Pattern interrupt ; I want to work out at certain pace and attack the 1400 calorie burn in one hour barrier. Pattern interrupt; Made my oatmeal perfect today, added some incredibly fresh delicious peaches with blueberries and cinnamon. Aw, I was so psyched to eat it. Ran extra water in the oatmeal. Pattern interrupt;

But you know when you start the day with a PATTERN INTERRUPT it makes it easier to embrace any others that come your way during the course of the day.

Sold out today ! As fate would have it wound up in the hotbox. Burned 1251 in an hour. Earned every second of it. Felt great during and after the workout.

What is your motto? It don't get too tough for me! 71 days left to quad city!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Second batch of daily questions

The daily question everyday I will send u one question. Don't Feel u have to answer it. Just let me know u got it. If u feel like answering it go ahead.

d1Within the last week or month to your knowledge, have you lifted up the spirits of some one who was down?
d2When you are with people you are not really familiar with are you a thermometer or a thermostat?
d3When you are challenged to do something that is difficult to do, do you usually try to find a way to have fun while doing it?
d4When was the last time you sent or gave a thank you note or card to someone?
d5Looking at the 4 squares your physical,mental social and spiritual well being, then grading them from 1 to 10 with 10 being the highest. Would you score 30 or better?And of your scores, which would be your highest? Spiritual, mental, physical or social?
d6What is your leaking oil well? What natural resource do you have that is ruining your future because of careless use?
d7Do you plan for unexpected events?
d8How many times in the last week have you complimented someone? And vice versa?
d9When you set a goal do you decide On "the price you will pay" to accomplish the goal?
d10Over the last year, what do you feel about you has changed the most?
d11What is the nicest thing you can do for some one today?

d12 "I lose all track of time when I am doing" what? What causes you to lose all track of time?
d23Do you believe that most people, Not all, work to the level of their natural talent then quit. Where they do very little to try to improve?
d24Do you believe that if you look at a person for what they are now they will always stay the same or get worse. But, if you look at a person for what they could be, they become what they should be?
d37With in the last year how have you changed mentally physically socially and spiritually?
Do you believe that ""society" doesn't care if you have a heart attack and die?
d30Do you believe One decision can change a bad habit?
So far in your young life, what has been your turning point?
d41Is it true that who we are speaks so loudly that people cannot hear a word we are saying?
Do you believe that a a temporary inconvenience is worth a permanent result?
Do you spend the majority of your time with positive upbeat people?
I have absolute tunnel vision when comes to ?
What is your definition of enthusiasm?
It is true experience is usually the best teacher.....But, is the price usually too high?
d40What things do you do to increase your want to?
d14What did napoleon mean when he said give me enough ribbon and I will
conquer the world?
d11What is the nicest thing you can do for some one today?
d13 I once asked you this.However, I seem to remember you getting upset at the question. So, since a good amount of time has passed, I will ask it AGAIN.
Do you consider yourself a leader? If so, why? If not, why not? You can tell me or just tell yourself. Either way it is definitely a question worth asking- some one who is about to go overseas.
d15What part of the journey does a rocket ship burn the most fuel? Is it the beginning, middle or end?
d16Do believe that people don't care how much you know until they know how much you care?
Of all the laws legal and other types do you believe that you do not break the law but the law breaks you?
d17 Do you believe that, the more we know about ourselves, the easier it is to understand other people?
d18 If you HAD to choose one hero who would it be ? Lady Gaga, Mother Teresa , Michele Obama or Billy Jean King?
d 19 At what age did you STOP going after things you really had your heart set on?
d20 What part of your life do you practice constant and never ending improvement?

When was the last time you worked on your want to?

Have you ever asked yourself these questions; who do I spend most of my time around? What have they got me thinking? What do they have me doing? Is it okay?

Do you believe that a goal is a dream with a deadline?

When was the last time you asked yourself how did I ever get so lucky?

What is the most important thing you have learned in the last year?MONTH? WEEK? DAY?

DAY 44-A side from all your purchased possessions, what are you most thankful for?

d26Do you feel that even though a person does not know HOW to do something, they will figure out a way to DO IT. If ... They want to DO IT badly enough?

d21 Macro Micro; if the majority of the world conducted themselves as I do on a day to day basis, the world would be: A: a better place B: about the same C: a worse place.?
Pick one .
d22Do you believe that it takes 21 days to form a habit? Question, what habits have you formed in the last 21 days?
d25A perfect punishment for me would be to make me do ___?
A perfect reward for me would be for me to be given____(anything but
food, drink or money)?
Do you believe that some people do more in a day, than others in a year?
What is the depth of your enthusiasm?
d34When was the last time you were so happy that instead of talking you had to sing?
When was the last time you skipped instead of walked?
What was the worst thing that ever happened to you but now, you can laugh about it?
d28Have you ever imagined yourself as being someone else? How long did you entertain that thought?
Think of this, WAP everything in life is WAP. Do you agree that people Work a plan then they work a plan?
If a person has no plan that is their plan do you agree?

d27A self made millionaire once said" don't wish things were better, wish you were better." Do you agree or disagree? Why?
Are you in a good workout program or are you thinkinking about getting into a good workout program? Hate to say it but, the answer is yes! Either you are doing or thinking of doing.So here is the real question that you are always doing or thinking of doing. Do you agree or disagree?

d29We are not responsible for having a negative thought. But we are responsible for how long we entertain that thought. Agree or disagree?
Do you agree that best way to get raise is to do more than what you asked to do?
d39 Are you always looking for a way to motivate yourself to do your best?
Before you spend time with people do you try to help that person feel better about themselves before they spent time with you?
If your temper was a nuclear reactor when was the last time you had a melt down? Also, if your laughter was a great gieizer when was the last time you went off with a steady stream of laughter?
Which would you rather have An excellent game or game excellence?

Do believe The difference between having it all versus having none of it, is so small it is scary?
Have you ever been up and then let down by another person's attitude?
Nothing is ever as bad as it seems and nothing is ever as good as it seems. Agree or disagree?
day45What percent do you think environment plays in the attitude of an individual? 25,50, 75, or 100?
Who is the most draining person you spend at least one hour of your week with?
Who is the most uplifting person you spend at least one hour of your week with?
Of the two which one do you spend the most time with ?
Is there anything about you that other people don't like but, you do like?
d33As I look back on life to this point, the thing that amazes me is?

When it comes to switching time zones would you rather be ahead of this time zone (EST). or behind?

Example, its 6 hours earlier right now in Hawaii. And now it is 13 hours
ahead of the EST in Japan. I suppose the mentality is would rather know that people you have already experienced the day or have yet to experience the day.
d32How much of a role do you think a person's environment plays their attitude? a 100% b 75% c 50 % d 25 % e none at all.

Do believe that a person can eat more if they eat less?
Are the you the type of person that says I'll believe it, when I see it or are you the type that says I'll believe it, or I will never see it?

When I think of my future I think of happy thoughts because my confidence level for my future is at: A= a level of 10 which is the highest B= a level 7 in which I am very confident C= a level 5 where I am confident D = a level 3 where I am not really confident and not so happy E = a level where I have a very small amount of confidence and I am sad?

d34Do you believe that fatigue makes cowards out of us all?
Do you believe that self improvement means I will get better to help us all?
d35 God gave us 2 eyes 2 ears and 1 mouth. Why? So we can listen twice as much as we talk.Do you listen twice as much as you talk?
d36Let say the world has three kinds of people those that make things happen, those that watch things happen and those that wonder what is happening.
In that scenario, which one are you---usually?
d38 I feel totally incompetent whenever I attempt to do? I feel totally competent whenever I attempt to do?
Do you believe thoughts are things?

Just as the song says, "its not having what you want its wanting what you have."
How about: "its not having what you want its wanting what you have until you have what you want."??
Be content but do not settle for it.
What one thing would you do if you had no fear?
What one question would you a person you knew but up to this point have not had the chance to ask?
Do you believe that FEAR stands for False Evidence Appearing Real?
When was the last time someone SURPRISED YOU with a hug?

D41Pretend someone offered you an expense paid trip around the world with one stipulation you have to bring six non family members with you and one of the people you would bring is a person who if they offered the same opportunity they would NOT bring you. Question what 5 people would you invite? Who would that sixth person be?
DAY42 life is ALL about?
Is it practice that makes perfect or is it perfect practice that makes perfect?
d43Do you believe that there are two types of stress? One is a negative stress that can bring us down. The other is a stress that motivates whenever we are working hard to achieve a certain goal?
Do believe when it comes to hard work, whatever doesn't kill us, makes us stronger?
d47When was the last time some one gave you honest feedback? When was the last time you gave some one honest feedback?
d46 Do believe that most people want to be SOMEBODY? That most people want to feel they are liked and appreciated. That someday people will say wow that person stood for something?
Name five bad decisions you made this week and how you corrected them?
Name five good deeds you have done for people in the last week? Were you thanked for any of your good deeds?
d48 In your opinion, what are the only two things you can truly control?
From the book by Viktor Frankel:"The meaning of life" What is your meaning of life?
When you start your day, do you have a things to do list?
Instead of evaluating how you did, have you ever asked yourself what did I notice from my past activity?